Plugin WordPress / Gallery 3

The WordPress plugin « WordPress / Gallery 3 » embeds pictures and albums from an installation of Gallery3 in an article or a post. With this plugin, you will able to :

  • use the insertion tool in your Edit Toolbar to help you select one or more Gallery 3 Images, Albums in your Blog Posts or WordPress Pages,
  • display in the WordPress website the Images and Albums with Smoothgallery.


This plugin is a free program but you can make a donation to thanks for this development.


And a big THANK YOU to those donators for their support !

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Release history


[hgallery3 id= »105424″ render= »smoothgallery »] If you want to see more Examples : click here.

Licence : GPLv3

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.




  1. Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the `wp-content/plugins/` directory of your WordPress installation
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the plugin (… > …) and set up all options (refer to help on


Gallery 3

First to all, you have to enable the REST API Module of Gallery3.

Admin configuration

Configuration v0.2

  • Fully qualified domain name of the Gallery 3 website : address where you can find the home page of  your Gallery3 website. For examples : or
  • Guest can query Gallery3 ? : If this checkbox is checked, then the plugin will send query in guest mode. You have to set up this guest accessin your Gallery3 configuration.
    • User for querying Gallery 3 REST API : the login is sended in order to query a ticket from the Resful Gallery3 interface
    • password for querying Gallery3 REST API : the password is sended query to the Resful Gallery3 interface. The password is not saved by the plugin !
  • Default render for album
  • Render for single image
  • Cache time


In the editor, click on the Gallery3 button (you will see this picture , click on it !) and you will show a popup window which displays :

  • page x : this popup window displays only 15 pictures on a « page », so you can change for « page x+1 » in order to display more pictures
  • directory pan (on the left side of the popup window) : allows you to browse (with double clicks on) the albums of your Gallery3 installation
  • images pan : displays all images of the current albums

You can browse the albums with double click on a name of directory in the see directory pan).
If you single single click on a picture or an album, you will select the item, the background will turn to the rose color.
If you double click on a picture (or click on the + green button), you will add this picture for a custom album ; a thumbnail will be displayed below the directory and the images pans

Click on the submit button, the window popup will close and in the editor you will see something like (depends of the options you will set) : [hgallery3 id= »…. »]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Release history

239 réponses sur « Plugin WordPress / Gallery 3 »


Very nice project but I have a probleme with Gallery3 configuration. I don’t understand what is the « Base URL of the restful acces of Gallery 3 »

Can you explain me exactely on what I have to link ?

(Restful is enabled on my Gallery 3 and the plugin is well installed on WP.)


Thanks for your message Jean.

I updated the « Frequently Asked Questions » (FAQ) with your question.

Thanks for your help.

I dont understand what is ITEM.

My folder REST is under MODULES’Folder and there is some others folders inside but nothing called ITEM.

Well – i have very similar warnings, seams it is not connecting to gallaery3
Could it be that it is necessary to use REST API KEY from gallery3 config in some place while configuring plugin? Or are there required custom mod rewrite rules?

Warning: fopen(http://localhost/wp/gallery3/index.php/rest/item/1) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

in C:\xampp\htdocs\wp\rallijs\wp-content\plugins\heiv-gallery-3\heiv-gallery_3.php on line 354
Error :http://localhost/wp/gallery3/index.php/rest/item is not accessible.


Figured it out – had to set allow_guest_access must equal to « 1″
Maybe you could mention it in the plugin settings section in wordpress (not only on this page)

Hello hit_man.

The team of Gallery3 had made some changes in the Restful module and added the « allow_guest_access » in order to keep the guest option.

I’m writing the v0.2 of my plugin and I will make some changes in order to handle the changes of Restful module G3.


Thanks for putting this together. I have it working now.

A few comments to further the project:

– Base URL of the restful acces of Gallery 3: If this field is left blank while allow_guest_access=0, then the settings test passes (incorrectly)
– The help text for that item reads « by default it is « /index/rest/item » », when I think you mean « by default it is « /index.php/rest/item »  »
– Definitely want to include within the instruction the need to change the allow_guest_access within G3
– The field titles and examples are a bit confusing with the written English. I’m glad to help you wordsmith this, if you’d like to e-mail me. For instance, the first field might read « Fully qualified domain name, beginning with http:// » and have an example like « ».


Hello Avery,

Thanks a lot for yours feedbacks and I will change a lot of things, including the help text, etc.

If you are still OK, I will send you a mail when the version 0.2 will be out.

Hi Avery,

I am planning to deploy your plugin on multiple sites. Any hints on when your v0.2 will be available?

On the other hand, your plugin allows a gallery be installed in a remote server, doesn’t it? So my wordpress sites and gallery sites can be serving from different servers on different IPs.

Hello allQoo,

Hi Avery,

I, HeiV, am the developer of this plugin 🙂

Any hints on when your v0.2 will be available?

I am currently writing the v0.2 and I have to implement a last feature before release the v0.2 and beta-test it.

On the other hand, your plugin allows a gallery be installed in a remote server, doesn’t it? So my wordpress sites and gallery sites can be serving from different servers on different IPs.

Yes, you can make this configuration.
Can you give us you feedback on yours differents tests ?


i am getting the following error

error: Are you sure that the user « username » can make restful query on

what type of user name and password i have to provide. i provided my gallery admin user name and password. but its not accepting. i enabled rest plugin in gallery.

but still having the error.

please suggest.

Hi jagadish,

If you provided the username and password of an user of Gallery3, the plugin would work fine.

Do you have the Gallery3 RC2 ?

Hi HeiV,
I’ve just installed Gallery3 RC2 and 0.2.1 of your module in WP3.0.1.
Unfortunately I cant get your plugin configured well…I have the following problems:

– with allow_guest_access = 1 or
– with allow_guest_access = 0 and username and password provided
I get in « test settings »:

Warning: fopen( [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found

in /var/www/ on line 611
Error : is not accessible

Yes, I have fopen active and php5-common (for json) installed and active.

The strange thing:
in a blog article I can browse through my G3, but not select anything (the button send data has no reaction)



Hello blindzero,

For the moment, WP 3.0.1 isn’t yet supported by this plugin. The plugin will be soon compatible with WP 3.0.1 soon.

I get in « test settings »:

Warning: fopen( [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found

in /var/www/ on line 611
Error : is not accessible

Hum, you find a bug in the « test settings » function and I will look for why it happends and fix it.

The strange thing:
in a blog article I can browse through my G3, but not select anything (the button send data has no reaction)

Have you click on a picture or one ‘<-' on the right of a folder in the browser ?
If you selected some pictures or folder, the selected item will be pinky.


When I want to activate the plugin I received following error. Requirements are checked and ok (I think). WordPress version is 3.0.1 and Gallery3 version is RC2. Thanks!

Warning: require_once(HTTP/Request.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/b5623bad/public_html/belgian-international/wp-content/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/heiv-gallery_3.php on line 39

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘HTTP/Request.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/b5623bad/public_html/belgian-international/wp-content/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/heiv-gallery_3.php on line 39

Thx Rudy Engels for the reported bug.
I will try to fix it.

Hi HeiV,
about the picture-picker:
it seems that this is a usability-bug for me…;) The plugin has different behaviour if I click on a folder name or on <-. You're right, it gets pink when I click on a picture or on a folders <-.

Then I am waiting for some update for 3.0.1 compat.


Hi blindzero.

I will make an update for the usability of the browser and compat with WP3 ; if you could give me a feedback here it would be cool.

What do you think about

– single click => select the item
– double click => enter into the double clicked folder

I added a item into a post but nothing shows up on the post when it is publish. WHen I click on edit I see the following [hgallery3 id= »21660″ show_caroussel= »true » direct_link= »true » timed= »true »].

Running latest update from today and WP3.0.1 Multisite

Hi Jhoan Gonzalez,

I click on edit I see the following [hgallery3 id= »21660″ show_caroussel= »true » direct_link= »true » timed= »true »].

If you see this code in the post, it is a good news because you can browse your Gallery3 for finding albums or pictures to show.

I added a item into a post but nothing shows up on the post when it is publish.

Can you give me the URL of this post (by email if you want : moi [ at ] ) ?

Running latest update from today and WP3.0.1 Multisite

Did you use this plugin before the update to v0.2.2 ? With WP3.0.1 Multisite ?

Hi HeiV,

the usability works fine for, I already tried it.
But it seems that I still have some kind of « connectivity problem » here:
– the anonymous test in the plugin config is working and says ok
– the authenticated test says: « Error :
Are you sure that the user with the username « wp » can make restful query on ?

Check the username and the password please and retry this test. »
– the account I’ve used is set up as Admin and also member in all groups to have access.

Maybe this is also the reason why I can insert the link-code to the gallery in an article but nothing is displayed in the article then?

Thanks a lot,


Hi blindzero,

– the authenticated test says: « Error :
Are you sure that the user with the username « wp » can make restful query on ?
Check the username and the password please and retry this test. »

I think there is a bug in the test method in the submit parameters. If you already have saved the configuration with an username and a password, you would see after the reload of the configuration page the username and a provided ticket by Gallery3. Then, If you click on the test configuration button, without enter the password, you will have the ahead quoted error message because the username will be send with a password equals to null.
So I will put a help section for the test configuration.

– the account I’ve used is set up as Admin and also member in all groups to have access.
Maybe this is also the reason why I can insert the link-code to the gallery in an article but nothing is displayed in the article then?

Hum … you can make a quick test. On the post or page on the Front End of you website, read the source code and search this sort of html and javascript codes :

function startGallery_gallery_a3c3e7() {
var myGallery = new gallery($('gallery_a3c3e7'), {
timed: true,
delay: 5000,
showCarousel: true,
textShowCarousel: 'Pictures',
showInfopane: true
window.addEvent('domready', startGallery_gallery_a3c3e7);


This codes are generated by the plugin and if you have this sort of code, you will see on the website an album or a picture.

If you don’t have this html and javascript codes, there is a php bug and you have to check on the apache log to find what is going wrong.

In my last comment to blindzero, you can see the generated HTML & javascript codes the plugin when all things are OK.

I take a tour on your blog post and I only see :

I can’t explain it, have you check the apache log in order to find (or not) some errors ?

Seems I am having the same problem as above. It is configured ok and I can insert the code into a post with no problems but there is nothing in the post.
In Apache log there is no error.
The only thing shown is:

[18/Aug/2010:18:39:18 -0400] « GET /g3/index.php/index.php/rest/item/21 HTTP/1.1 » 404 3522 « – » « PEAR HTTP_Request class ( ) »

In the source of the page in the place where the gallery should be I see:
div id= »gallery_2f0f21″ — but the div is just empty. Closing div tag follows right after.

Hi HeiV,
in the article I have the shortcode [hgallery3 id= »12″] after selecting a gallery.
In the sourcecode of the generated page there is not code like yours at all…?
But even stranger: the apache error log doesn’t show any PHP message at all…

Hello HeiV,

1. I have come back to this project and have installed v0.2.2. The test works, and the integration attempts to work when I setup guest access; however, I only receive question marks in lieu of actual thumbnails and images. Is this a current known bug, or a configuration issue on my end? If the later, what suggestions do you have?

2. When I attempt to configure non-guest access, configuring ‘User for querying Gallery 3 Restful’ and the associated password, I am unclear what ‘user’ is being requested. I assume it is a Gallery3 user with sufficient permissions to view the album? Please confirm.

3. Assuming the answer to 2 is yes, this does not appear to work for my installation. I get the error:
« Error: Are you sure that the user with the username ‘myuser’ can make restful query on Check the username and password please and retry this test. »
Can you please provide recommendation?

4. WPG2 allowed SSO (single sign-on) for a user from WordPress to Gallery. This means a user clicking on an image in WordPress would be seamlessly logged into Gallery as their own user/security, versus as a single specified user or a guest. This is a feature that will be critical to many users who would be integrating WP3 and G3. Can you confirm if this is included in your future plans for your plugin?


« In the editor, click on the Gallery3 button » Where is this button supposed to be? I cannot see it is that a bug?

Hello HeiV,

I am having issues similar to Avery. I am able to get a positive « test » result with guest access enabled on the configuration page. However, when I attempt to activate my gallery in a post, I only receive a blank page with no pictures to select.

If I try to use a USER for REST access, the program returns an error no matter which user I pick.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Hello macin,

Do you find the « Gallery3 button » ?
For the moment, this picture Gallery3 temporary image is used when editing a post.

I updated this page with your question.


@Stewart, blindzero, Avery, JD : I was on holydays and today I read yours messages.
Soon, I will propose a patch with some better tests adn debug and a way to preview a blog post during the configuration of the plugin.

@Avery : For your 4- question, I don’t know for the moment.
With the user-case you gave, the SSO mecanism is on Gallery3 side, not on the WP side.

I installed the gallery3 into my wp 3.0 just fine. Got the setting saying the test was right but when i go to a page and click on the G3 i don’t have any image or gallery or album neither an option to create one. Am I missing something?
I never upload any imge. How do I upload the images? should I upload it through FTP?
I was a little confused about the « Fully qualified domain name of the Gallery 3 ». Is it something i just come up with or is it the folder that has the gallery3 installed like i did? is it where i should upload my images?

please, i need some guide. I am not a programmer but i think i am ok with html.


Hello Heiv,

no I still cannot find it. I suppose you mean the icons right of « Upload/Insert »:

There are exactly those four symbols and no other (also no ). And when clicking on « Add an Image » there is also no gallery selection dialog to select.

I guess something is wrong here?!

I never upload any image. How do I upload the images? should I upload it through FTP?

My plugin just takes data from Gallery3 and displays them. If you didn’t upload images in Gallery3, my plugin would show you nothing.
You have to connect to Gallery3 (with the right to manage the items of Gallery3 : create directory, upload images / movies, delete, etc.) and create directory and upload some pictures.

Check this user guide : and you will find some documentations about Gallery3.

Oh, shi. Your plugin is doesn’t working ;((
I installed and configured gallery3, uploaded some fotos.
push on button with green smile and change foto. and… see into article this: »[hgallery3 id= »266″] and it not show into preview ((

Hello HeiV,

I just installed your Gallery3 module (0.2.2) for WordPress, and I have the same problem as the other guys: the image doesn’t appear even if everything seems to be OK.
The connection to Gallery3 works, the selection of the images work, the image reference is there in the editor (something like [hgallery3 id= »2″]) but then this reference seems to be ignored.
Are you still working on this? It seems to me that you did a lot of useful work, it’s a pity to abandon this …

@vadim s. sabinich : If you can do all you said, the plugin is working, you have just to save the save button and view your post !

I won’t support the preview during writing because I don’t have much time to dev around this feature…

@Tom : I am currently writing a new release of my plugin ; that takes time and I dev during my spare time.

Yes, I understand that you don’t have enough time. Who has anyway 🙂
What is puzzling is that in some cases the plugin seems to work (i.e. in your examples) and in other cases it doesn’t.

In a recent post you suggested to look for code such as:
function startGallery_gallery_a3c3e7() {
var myGallery = new gallery($(‘gallery_a3c3e7’), { ….

Well, I don’t have it in my page. However I don’t see nothing strange about PHP errors in the Apache logs. I will try to look at this with Xdebug or something …

@Tom : I understand your problem and I don’t know why you and other people had this bug !
I will write for the next patch a complete process for testing the exanges between gallery3 and wordpress.

Hello HeIV,

I had a look at the sources of your plugin, and, sure enough, found something that at least in my installation (Win 7 / Apache 2.2.15 / PHP 5.3.3RC3) does not work:

In file heiv-gallery_3.php, around line 846 (I put some debugging sentences there, so the line number might be slightly different in your sources) in function hg3_display there’s a line:

$url = sprintf(‘%s/index.php/rest/item/%d’,$host,$id); // bad

which produces a url like this:

where ‘index.php’ is repeated twice. So I just changed the line to:

$url = sprintf(‘%s/rest/item/%d’,$host,$id); //good

and now it works fine. I think that there’s an issue with the resizing of single pictures, however.


Oh thanks Tom for this debug, I didn’t see it !
I will push a patch with this modification and I hope this patch will help the other people who encountered this problem & bug !


thanks for your efforts. However in the combination of WP 3.0.1 and the Gallery3 Final and your latest version of the plugin I encounter a problem.

The RESTful API key is queried successful, but when trying to insert an image into a post I just the the albums but the pictures are all blank.

Seems to be a problem with querying because when I enable the guest mode in Gallery3 for the REST API it works as it should.

Any ideas? Regards, Jan

Hello Jan,

Thx for this feedback. The core team of Gallery3 changes some rules for the RESTful API.
I will push a patch (v0.2.2.2) tomorrow in order to fix this problem.

Hi HeiV,

thank you for this fast response, I already installed the new version and it works perfect. I do have some trouble with the Smoothgallery because of using some other plugins like lightbox2, however this is not a real problem. I changed some parts of your code to just use lightbox2 for displaying the pictures onclick instead of using Smoothgallery. It’s more like a quick and dirty solution but it works for me. Thank you again.


@Jan : Ok, good news for you !

If it is a real wanted feature, in a futur version, I can propose an option to use LightBox, smoothgallery or other library to display pictures and gallerys.

HeiV –

I have been trying to get this plugin working on my site. It seems to have installed ok because the test returns ok.

However when I press the little smiley face icon no albums or pictures pop up. I entered the rest url in my browser and it appears to return a valid response.

I am using the latest verson of your plugin, wordpress and gallery3. There is nothing in any of the logs that I can find.

Is there any more debug information that I can supply?


I have a little more information – the php error.log is showing this:

[16-Oct-2010 15:36:05] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\blog\wp-content\plugins\heiv-gallery-3\heiv-gallery_3.php on
line 716

I have tryied every combination and the plug in says ok when I hit test but when I try to insert into a post i just get a blank picker…


I still have the problem that I do not see the smilie even after updating to Test settings states « Configuration ok ». I assume that there should be a smilie after the « Add Media » button in the « Edit Post » page. But there is none. How can I debug this?

I tried the plugin, I am loading a gallery album that contains 49 pictures. It is very very slow. (takes about 30seconds until the page is loaded.)

Is this something that could be fixed in further releases?

Hi Bene.

Where is it slow ? In the admin side of WordPress or in a web pages ?
Speed depends on differents things like the host for Gallery3, the host for WordPress, the brandwidth of your internet connexion, the brandwith of the hosts, etc.

The page that will be opened by the rich text editor is also working very slow, but I can show it to you: this is my wordpress testpage it takes a long time to load, is the gallery3 installation. Does the javascript gallery maybe preload all pictures, and the website gets rendered after this preloading is done? WordPress and gallery3 are installed on the same server so I don’t think they communicate through a slow connection.

Moreover, during the loading of the page apache processes run on 33% cpu, usually they idle on 0,x% on my server.

thank you,

Hi Bene,

My plugin querys data from Gallery3 and then asks your browser to display pictures or thumbnails.

I think Gallery3 takes a major part of the 33% cpu load but I can’t say it with certainty.

Does Gallery3 take 33% cpu load when it is used alone ?

loading the gallery installation takes about 20%cpu for 2 seconds. What does the plugin exactly do? does it use any php libraries to manipulate the images?

There is not image manipulations … just querys for information of gallerys and pictures.

There isn’t authentication during the used of the plugin.

For security reasons, login and password are used to get the Gallery3 ticket during the configuration.
Then the plugin stores this ticket in WP database and uses it during the querys to Gallery3.

My last idea is, that the javascript gallerypreloads all the pictures. That could be an explanation that the gallery gets slower the more pictures i use. Does the js gallery any preloading that could take long time?

Does the js gallery any preloading that could take long time?

There is no preloading.

Is it a problem that the gallery runs on anouther subdomain? Could this be?

No, the WordPress / Gallery3 example page uses a different subdomain of this blog.

I updated the plugin to When clicking on the smilie the gallery selection popup appears and the albums are listed. But double-clicking the albums does not show pictures on the right side but horizontal stripes instead. They are like pictures with 0 height. The corresponding html code of images is the following:

Any ideas?

Hello Heiv,

when hgallery3 tags are directly one after another the second one is not evaluated. I suspect this is not intended. Furthermore some of the options when adding an image are not taken over but have to be edited by hand. Furthermore a nice feature would be that it is enough to specify the width and the height is scaled according to the aspect ratio of the image and vice versa instead of taking the default width/height. Finally I managed to get the plugin to work – I am really happy about that! Thanks for the plugin and keep up the good work!

Yes, I saw the scaling problem when I installed the plugin. I have modified the sources to be able to specify only the width or the height of the image, while the other dimension keeps the aspect ratio. If there is interest I could send my changes to Heiv.

BTW I would be interested in the changes to use lightbox2.

@macin : Cool if now it works, I will add a notice for the compatibility version of Gallery3 and my plugin.
When I can, I will take a look about this problems about the ratio and other stuffs to fix.

@Tom : I am working on the next patch and I will introduce a way to write and use different skins.
That is to say, you can write how the plugin will output data for the browser : lightbox, smoothgallery, listing like Gallery3, etc.

Heiv, that’s great. While you’re at it, don’t forget the image sizing issue.

I made it changing a little the file heiv-gallery_3.php introducing variants of the string $pattern_css_photo which specify only width or height, so the other dimension is kept proportional. But there are certainly other ways to do it.

Hi Adib.

I don’t know ! I don’t have a mobile or a smartphone like iPhone or AndroidPhone…

Hi Tom.

You gave me some ideas in your last comment.
I’ve started to write a way to use skins/themes with my plugin and it looks like great. But for the moment, I am writing some codes for validating the skins/themes and I think this feature is advanced at 30%.

Hi Heiv,

Thank you for the awesome work so far! I have installed the plugin but I cannot get past the configuration. I use the above URL for my gallery path.

I use my administrator account for username and password for querying Gallery 3 Restful, but I keep getting this error :
« Are you sure that the user with the username « admin » can make restful query on ? »

Is there anything I have to set up in gallery3 to give admin access to make restful gueries? REST is activated in gallery 3.

Any help will be apreciated. Thanks!

Hi Heinrich,

If you try in your web browser, you will get an 404 error. With , no error, just an empty response because Gallery3 doesn’t have the « Gallery3 Ticket ».

Try this value for « Fully qualified domain name of the Gallery 3 website » :
and tell me if it is better.


Thanks so much for a prompt response. I checked the « guest » checkbox and then it tested ok. I then used the URL you gave and my admin username and it also tested ok.

Is it normal that the password field goes blank again when you update the settings?

Also… when I try to insert the gallery into a post the page is completely empty and I cannot select any gallery. IT is just an empty pane where I can show and hide the options.

So something is still not right… Thanks for your help

Is it normal that the password field goes blank again when you update the settings?

Yes, the plugin for security reason doesn’t store the password but a provided ticket form Gallery3 ; you can see it on the read only text edit.

Also… when I try to insert the gallery into a post the page is completely empty and I cannot select any gallery. IT is just an empty pane where I can show and hide the options.

I think that guest access is not set on « ON » in your Gallery3 Configuration. Uncheck the « Guest Checkbox » and retest.
If Guest Access of Gallery3 is « ON », you will see on the following page something like :

array (
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘entity’ =>
array (
‘id’ => ‘1’,
‘captured’ => NULL,
‘created’ => ‘1275503766’,
‘description’ =>  »,
‘height’ => NULL,
‘level’ => ‘1’,
‘mime_type’ => NULL,
‘name’ => NULL,
‘owner_id’ => ‘2’,
‘rand_key’ => NULL,
‘resize_height’ => NULL,
‘resize_width’ => NULL,
‘slug’ => NULL,
‘sort_column’ => ‘captured’,
‘sort_order’ => ‘ASC’,
‘thumb_height’ => ‘133’,
‘thumb_width’ => ‘200’,
‘title’ => ‘Gallery’,
‘type’ => ‘album’,
‘updated’ => ‘1294135835’,

You have 3 ways to use Gallery3 and my plugin, in the configuration of Gallery3, guest access is :

  1. « OFF » : you have to use login/password (in my plugin) in order to make Rest query
  2. « ON » :

    1. you can use login/password or
    2. check the « guest access » in the configuration of the plugin

Hello Heiv,
I installed version 2.3. But when I attempt to configure it in WordPress, PHP crashes with this message:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\Users\tom\www\fotogaleria\wp-content\plugins\heiv-gallery-3\heiv-gallery_3.php on line 560
Any idea?

Hi Tom,

I have an idea … the value of « $this->options[‘g3_valid_skins’] » is null.
I will make a control on this value to prevent the crashes.


Ok, HeiV

But why is this value initially null? I mean, is there a possibility that this value could be non-null on first time installation?

Hi Tom,

After installation “$this->options[‘g3_valid_skins’]” is null because it is a new value and when I wrote the source code, I didn’t know how to handle the upgrade of a plugin.

I have to find a way for the upgrade of plugins. If you have tutorials, I would appreciate your help.


Problem when trying to change the settings:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /…/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/skins/smoothgallery/ on line 130

This is gallery 3.0 with latest WP.

Hi Phil,

Thanks for this bug report.

A patch will issue this problem.


@Phil & Tom : I released a patch ( ) in order to handle this problem.
Can you tell me if it is better or not with this patch ?


No more warnings from PHP, but still kind of strange in the Gallery3 settings in WP:

======== skin : smoothgallery =========
skin ok.
======== skin : dir =========
skin ok.
======== skin : single_img =========
skin ok.

… when testing skins, but when testing settings:

Render fo single image
(help) Option not available. Click on the « Test skins » button for debugging.
Skins Configuration

There is « 0 » skin to configure. Click on the « Test skins » button for debugging

(which I did)

Also, when trying to add a gallery in WP, I click on the icon, and get this:

I have one question : When you click on the « Update settings » what’s happend ?

What’s happend when you double-click on a directory on the left panel ?

Double clicking (or clicking) doesn’t do anything on the directory names in the left panel. Tried with Chrome and FF.

Clicking on « update settings » just redisplays the settings page, nothing else.

Sorry actually something DOES show up after a while – it just takes 20-30 seconds for pictures to appear, then I can select one. But no settings for SmoothGallery or anything else – I can only just select a picture, then submit.

Once saved/submitted – I only see one picture in the post, and if I click on it, it expands.

I’ve installed 2.3 in WordPress 3.1, and pointed it to my Gallery 3 install.

If I enter a username and password, the ‘test settings’ button works fine, and I can see in my apache logs a call to REST.

However, nothing seems to persuade the interface to get and store the API ticket.

Update settings simply returns the empty password box. I can see in my apache logs that no call is made to the REST interface at that time.

Hi Heiv,
I have been busy these last days, but now I have downloaded the newest version and I’m having a look at it.

For now, in file heiv-gallery_3.php, line 236, you should probably replace

$ret .= HR . sprintf(__(‘Get ticket for user %s : %s‘,$user,$ticket));

$ret .= HR . sprintf(__(‘Get ticket for user %s : %s‘),$user,$ticket);

But even after fixing this, it doesn’t seem to work. After installing and configuring the plugin, I don’t find the new icon in the message editor.


Great app, it is really close to what I am looking for.

Would it be possible to request a couple features?
1) I would like the ability to set the single image as the default.
2) I would like the option to have it not use the tag, but instead insert the full URL of the image. That way if I ever have to disable the plugin the images will still work
3) It would be nice to be able to select more than one image to insert.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

Hi Ryan,

Yours ideas are good :
1) The single image can be selected as default for rendering a single image, but you have to select one image or have an album with only one image. Can you explain more this idea ?
2) Hum … This feature is a little hard, but it could be implemented in the plugin,
3) It is possible to add this point. I will see when I have some time to add it.

Hi Tom,

Thx for this little debug.

I have a lot of work the last weeks and I will patch the source when I will have a little time for it.

In the last release, I change the icon, it is now a G with a little 3 instead of the green smiley 😀 .

Do you see it ?

The « test settings » button doesn’t store information in the database.
You have to click on the « update settings » button in order to save the configuration. Moreover, the password is not saved for security reasons. In fact, the API ticket of Gallery3 is like a super cookie and the plugin only needs the username and the API ticket.

The plugin sounds like to work. It is just slow … very slow and I don’t know why it is 🙁

Hi i’ve problem with istallations:
Testing of the settings is OK.
Error : Are you sure that the user with the username « sgiallu » can make restful query on ?
Check the username and the password please and retry this test.
Warning : Ticket recently get from Gallery3 is not the same as save before.
Saved ticket :
Debug ticket :

This is the end of tests.

But may password is right! What’s happen?
Tank you

I was change the adress in and the new situations is:


Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /home/giuseppux/ on line 236
Testing of the settings is OK.
Warning : Ticket recently get from Gallery3 is not the same as save before.
Saved ticket :
Debug ticket : 1c04b88121f05f86662cb9d8a9cd0874
Query Root Album of Gallery3 and get :

Cover of Root Album

Pictures in the Root Album :


The settings seem to be OK

This is the end of tests.

Sorry if my english is not too good
See you soon


I’m wondering, is the 2.3.1 version compatible with WP 3.1.1? I’ve been struggling with installing it… I allowed guest access on my G3 install, and the config page in WP still acts flaky; seems to recognize my G3 install, but it keeps acting up. And when I try to insert a gallery, nothing shows up in the list.

WP integration is a deal breaker for me for G3… I hope I can make this plugin work, as I’d love to use WP and G3 together!!


Hi triseult.

Thx for this information about WP v3.1.1 and mythe plugin. I will upgrade my WP installation and check what doesn’t work and patch it.

1. When editing a post and I click the button to insert an image I would like the dropdown to default to single_image instead of smoothgallery

What is the best way to debug this if it is not working? I have installed the plugin, turned on the restfull API in gallery 3, set allow_guest_access to 1, but I don’t get anything when I click the button to select an image.

I clicked the test settings button and it says ok. What else can I try?

Here are a few suggestions,
1. I would like the ability to not show the number of views when displaying a dir of images in my post.
2. I would like the ability to not have the title be a link, or have the image and title share the same <a href. I think the code would look cleaner
3. When I open the image select box I would like it to go to the last opened album. For example, when writing an article I will usually enter about 10 images into the page. Since the image chooser only allows 1 image to be chosen, I have to open it 20 times. Each time I have to navigate back to the same album. It would save me a ton of time if it would go to the last opened album for me.


Can you read log file of apache for wordpress and G3 when you are trying to use the plugin when editing a post ?
If the plugin says it is ok, so without the apache log file… I can’t help you more.

Hi Ryanmc,

I tought a look on your test page and it looks like that there is a javascript problem 🙁

The generated javascript function startGallery_XXXXXX makes some errors and I don’t see why.

May be it is due to the order of the loading javascripts files.

I’ve got the same problem like Ryanmc. Here an example page:

I also tried some other themes, because I thought it was an javascript error with the template. But also with the standard theme from wordpress (TwentyTen) I got the same view.

Any idea in which order we should load the files or could work around this error? I really like this plugin and also want to say thanks for your work and time for this.



Thanks for this much-needed plugin. Great work!

I just installed on WP 3.1.1 and struggling with a couple of things:
1) Irrespective of what I set height and width as, the plugin seems to display photos in G3 default height/width.
2) When I select the dir skin, only 2 photos are displayed in a row. There is plenty of space for a 3rd column, but the photos just wouldn’t go there!
3) From my edit page/post toolbar, when I click on G3 button, if skin is single_img or smoothgallery, then the list of albums doesn’t appear on left. Also, irrespective of the skin, nothing appears in the dropdown and in the right box.
4) Is there a way I can select multiple photos within an album to show via one of the skins? At the moment, it seems all or nothing i.e. either everything inside the album or nothing.

Thanks for your help!

Correction #3 – From my edit page/post toolbar, when I click on G3 button, nothing appears in the dropdown and in the right box even after selecting album.
(list of albums does appear in left box … although only top level list, not sub-albums)

Hi and thx Vivek for your support,

1) I will see why it works like you said, it is may be a bug.
2) I will propose for the dir display an option for the number of columns.
3) It is certainly a bug, I will look what is not working.
4) I will see how to propose this feature.

Is there a way to:
1. Remove the meta information (title, views etc) from photos
2. If I insert a single image, then to have it float right or left based on my need in that post, just like I do with the images I insert from wordpress edit post dialog.

Finally, my G3 is slow. And by using this plugin I am making my WP slow…there’s a huge difference in page loading for pages with an image from G3 inserted and pages without any G3 images….is there a way you can make the G3 image load at the end…i.e. after the rest of the page has loaded and rendered, instead of loading the G3 image before other things?

Many thanks!

Regarding #3, as I posted in my correction:
From my edit page/post toolbar, when I click on G3 button, if skin is single_img or smoothgallery, then the list of albums doesn’t appear on left.
nothing appears in the dropdown and in the right box even after selecting album.
(list of albums does appear in left box … although only top level list, not sub-albums)

1. Yes, it is possible. I didn’t have time to document the skin modifications … soon when I will less busy. But if you are not afraid with php coding you could take a look on files in the skins dir. There is 2 functions to see around get_render_photo and get_render_album. This 2 functions generate the HTML code for the pictures or the albums.
2. Hum, may be you could change this with css coding for the single_image skin.

is there a way you can make the G3 image load at the end…i.e. after the rest of the page has loaded and rendered, instead of loading the G3 image before other things?

Hum, this option is possible with javascript inline code … I could look for it, but I am sure it will not easy …
And other option is to use a flash rendering with cache loading.

Thanks for the quick responses.

#1 I’ll try to do it and report back. However, in the future versions you might consider this as an admin panel feature…so that it’s easy for people to do…and also for people like me, who actually edit the code, an update doesn’t break the change 😉

#2 A CSS change would make a sweeping change across all posts/pages. I am thinking more like…if in some places I need it on left, on some in center and on others on right…

#3 Please do take a look at it…I think it’s very important….one photo is ok…more or less….but if you have 3-4 photos on a page like I do….things can really slow down….and God help you if you insert an album….please note, the time delay doesn’t come from the plugin…it comes from G3….but any way the plugin can help reduce the delay would be very highly appreciated.


1. Yes, it is possible. I didn’t have time to document the skin modifications … soon when I will less busy. But if you are not afraid with php coding you could take a look on files in the skins dir. There is 2 functions to see around get_render_photo and get_render_album. This 2 functions generate the HTML code for the pictures or the albums.

Which file do you do the rendering in? heiv-gallery_3.php or the skin file (e.g.

Oops…seems you already said in skins directory…meaning in this case…

I tried removing (commenting out) parts from
function get_render_photo( $info )
but unfortunately, it seems that sprintf requires those arguments….so I get an error!!

I am having the same problem with smooth gallery not working as well. When I look at the javascript debugging console I am seeing these errors:

[21:16:58.064] $(« gallery_4b3cad »).style is undefined @

is this the error you were seeing? I dont know enough about javascript to figure out why it is not getting defined.

I am so close to getting this to work!

Hi Andrew.

Your preview page is not working and when I follow your link I have the error « Not Found ».

So I can help you.

Did you do something? It was working this morning the smoothgallery was displaying. I then tried again and it is back to displaying all the pictures and thumbnails without smoothgallery…


Nothimg. I was away from keyboard all this day.
Moreover I don’t have credentials on your WP.

There are 2 default plugin settings :
* in the admin config
* in the source code.

The source code settings are used only when the call of the plugin is not feeded with settings or admin settings.


I just installed the gallery plugin on my WP 3.1.3 install, and I go the following near the top:

======== skin : dir =========
skin ok.
======== skin : single_img =========
skin ok.
======== skin : smoothgallery =========
skin ok.

It seems that there is something going wrong during the activation process. Is this something you’ve seen before? Or perhaps is there something I can check to debug?



Have you click on the debug button ?
If yes what is the displayed text ?

Hello HeiV,

thanks for this great plugin! The idea behind that is exactly the thing I’m searching for.

Sadly, it does only work for a single image. If I choose an album, it looks like this:

And how to set up this plugin that it looks like « album with only pictures » from your examples?

Thanks and looking forward for fixes 🙂

WordPress v3.1.3
Gallery3 v3.0.3 (branch 3.0.x, build 41)

Hi there,

i have a fresh WP 3.1.3 and Gallery 3.0.2 Installation.

I’ve tried to set up the guest access for REST, but the parameter “allow_guest_access” can’t be found in the advanced settings of Gallery 3.

I’ve tried it with a regular user of Coppermine, but the login data were not accepted by the plugin (same problem as #24 above, which was not answered yet).

Could somebody help?

On the current page, you should read this paragraph :
« Guest can query Gallery3 ? : If this checkbox is checked, then the plugin will send query in guest mode. You have to set up this guest access in your Gallery3 configuration.
In the advanced configuration allow_guest_access must equal to “1″ : go to Admin » Settings » Advanced and change the “allow_guest_access” parameter of the “rest” module from “0″ to “1″ (Source : »

This paragraph explains how to set the guest access on gallery3.

Hi Kaden and thx for your message.

If the plugin doesn’t work it is, I think, due to a default of setting. In fact, the « delay for Timed caroussel » in the settings are not set.
Could you try to put for this properties, for example 5000, save the data and test ?


Cool Uwe, glad to heard it’s working for you !

Yes, I just had the default options and changed nothing.

Tried what you said, but still the same. After that, I changed every option randomly, but nothing changed.

Currently, again only “delay for Timed caroussel” is set to 5000, rest is default

Hi Kaden,

I debugged a little your test page and I found this error :

$ is not a function
Line 244

It looks like that the jQuery $ function is not loaded but when I tried the javascript command below, there is no problem !

It is strange…

Hi doclalor,

Thx for your comment, glad to read that the plugin is working for you 🙂

Hi Eddie,

Can you give more details on encountered bugs ?

My site is using the last version of WordPress (3.2.1) and everything seems to be normal.

Hi Ed,

Are you in the visual mode when editing a post ?

The G3 button is not displayed in the HTML mode.


Voici un plugin prometteur. Avec Gallery2, un plugin pour WordPress permettait de créer un carrousel avec quelques photos d’un unique album. Là, je n’arrive à créer un carrousel qu’avec un album complet, ce qui m’embête un peu. Y a-t-il une option que j’aurais loupée ?

Merci pour ton travail.

Salut à toi.

Non tu n’as rien loupé, cette fonctionnalité n’est pas encore disponible. Elle a été proposée par d’autres utilisateurs de ce plugin.

Actuellement, je code la prochaine version et j’envisage d’intégrer la fonctionnalité décrite ci-dessus dans une future version.

Ha, excellente nouvelle. C’est pour un blog (pas le mien) où je dois afficher ponctuellement quelques photos. Mais comme elles sont classées dans un album regroupant toutes les photos de l’année et mis à jour au fur et à mesure, un slideshow de toute l’année dans chaque billet, c’est étrange 😉

Merci à toi.

I can’t get the smoothgallery option to work. I can get the plugin to display a single image, but when I attempt a smoothgallery I get an image and thumbnail next to each other in the post. I DO have the smoothgallery plugin installed in WordPress.

Hi Gavin.
My plugin doesn’t handle your WordPress’ configuration.
Could you tell me the name of the plugin you are using for smoothgallery ?
I will try to reproduce your bug with testing installation.

Merci pour ton plugin, j’utilise WP (v 3.2.1) et G3 (v 3.0.2) mais je n’arrive pas à faire fonctionner le plugin après lecture attentive de la FAQ 😉
Est-ce que tu peux me dire comment vérifier que REST est bien actif ss G3 ? car le retour me semble bizarre.
Ma gallery :
Merci par avance de ton aide !

Salut Nico,

Le module REST API de G3 ne semble pas être actif sur ton installation de G3. Tu peux le vérifier en ouvrant l’url suivante : .
Si REST était activé, tu aurais l’affichage qui ressemblerait à lien suivant : .

Vérifie dans la configuration des modules de G3 que tu as bien activé le module REST.

J’ai rajouté à la FAQ une question pour te montrer où configurer 😉

HeiV I’m using the JonDesign’s SmoothGallery plugin. I can get the smooth gallery plugin to work by itself if I enter [smoothgallery iframe=1] smart code.

I’m happy to use whichever plugin will work based on your advice.


Hi Gavin.
My plugin doesn’t handle your WordPress’ configuration.
Could you tell me the name of the plugin you are using for smoothgallery ?
I will try to reproduce your bug with testing installation.

I’m using the smoothgallery plugin – but am happy to use something else that you recommend to make things work.


In the next release, I will propose a new « skin » for carousel which is based on jcarousel.
This next release is not yet finished but, the dev of this skin is.

You have to wait a little time, I hope I will release it the next week.

J’ai peut être loupé qque chose ??

Je precise que j’ai bien installé le REST dans G3

Cela marche si je met mes albums en lecture à tout le monde, mais si je mets des permissions sur un album, et que je met dans le plug in un user qui a ces permissions dans G3 je ne voit pas les images.
Le plug in affiche alors que le nom de la photo.

Pouvez vous m’aider ?

Album public

Album accès restricted

Je precise que le plug in est configuré avec Guest access = NO

Et que coté G3 j’ai laissé allow_guest_access à 0

I am having problems enabling the WordPress Gallery Plugin. Everytime I activate it. It adds seemingly debug information to the header of the page.

======== skin : dir =========
skin ok.
======== skin : single_img =========
skin ok.
======== skin : smoothgallery =========
skin ok.


The plugin generated 155 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

In the msgbar.

I am using 2.3.2
with wordpress 3.2.1 and the Modularity light theme.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Bonjour Chouette38,

Le plugin que j’ai développé ne fait que :
1- récupérer des informations provenant de Gallery3 via le module REST,
2- afficher ces informations sur une page web.

Les droits que tu définis dans Gallery3 seront utilisés pour le 1- et le 2- énoncés ci-dessus.

Petite remarque : les images doivent être visibles au minimum par l’utilisateur « Guest » de Gallery3 pour qu’elles soient visibles par n’importe quel visiteur de ton site.

Hi Andreij,

It is the first time I read a bug report like this.

Could you tell me the plugin you use with your wordpress ?

In your comment, is it the exact error message you gave ? If no, could you copy and paste it in a comment ?

With same installation as Andrej:

heiv Gallery 3 plugin v2.3.2
and wordpress 3.2.1 with the Twenty Ten 1.2 theme.

the answer is this code before administration and user header:

======= skin : dir =========
skin ok.
======== skin : smoothgallery =========
skin ok.
======== skin : single_img =========
skin ok.

And at the msgbar:
« El plugin ha generado 155 caracteres de salida inesperada durante la activación. Si te sale el mensaje de advertencia “headers already sent” (cabeceras ya enviadas), problemas con las feeds u otros problemas, prueba a desactivar o eliminar este plugin. »
(The plugin generated 155 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.)

Thank you for your help.

Hi Carlos & Andrej,

I think that I found your bug.
Do you agree to test the correction?

If yes, you have to edit the file « heiv-gallery_3.php » , then go to the 118th line and replace this line with this one :
$this->options['g3_valid_skins'] = $this->validate_skins(1);

Tell me if this correction makes the plugin works normally or produces debug messages.

Thank you for your fast answer.

Nothing has changed.
I went to “heiv-gallery_3.php” at plugin directory, and at the 118th line intended to change what you said, but I found that this line was exactly as the one indicated by you.
I copy -> paste but noting changed when do plugin activation, the same messages.

Sorry, I made a mistake when I wrote my last comment…

Can you test at the same line :
$this->options['g3_valid_skins'] = $this->validate_skins(0);

HI, first of all thanks for your work 😀
In wordpress config of your plugin the window for « Stored RESTFul API ticket » is greyed out, sort of automatic insertion if log and password is correct, i guess.. But the log and passw of my gallery doesn’t work…, thanks for help

Hi MadMacs.

Thx for your comment.

You have right with your statement : « “Stored RESTFul API ticket” is greyed out, sort of automatic insertion if log and password is correct ».

I have a question : do you activate the REST API on Gallery3’s configuration ?
FAQ : Enable REST API of Gallery3

yes, and all works, for example with the plugin
« Gallery3 Picker » it’s ok. I really don’t understand (and of course it’s my fault) what user and password have to use in your plugin, guess my login and password for the gallery… but the message is:
« Error : is not accessible. Stop testing here, check your configuration and fix it ! »

Hi, thanks for the really cool plugin. I’m having what seems to be similar trouble to madmacs’s issue. I’m also getting the ‘stop testing here’ message when testing my settings. I have the REST API module activated and have enabled guest access. I’ve also switched the REST module on and off and back on again.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time and efforts.

I am running the most recent version of Gallery3 (3.0.2).

successfully installed the plugin and configured it. Now I can’t see some of the fields to update them. I have enabled the Rest API.

The gallery I am trying to connect to lives on the same server as the website.

when I go to the editor page, clicked on the icon i get blank Skin and gallery boxes.

So in summary:
– can’t see all the config fields any more
-test indicates OK
– from the editor side no images show up (only blank skin and gallery boxes)
– I use the latest gallery3 installed http://www.mywebsite/gallery

I installed the plugin fine,
My gallery is working,
The plugin configuration went fine and the button is there when I create a new message….
When I click on the button, a grey layer comes up but nothing else…. tried in chrome and ie…

Any idea ?

Hi Francois,

There is an incompatibility between one used javascript by my plugin and the javascript of WordPress.
I will push a patch soon this week in order to kill this bug.
Thx for your report.

Hi MadMAcs,

In the configuration of the plugin, you have to use the sale login and the password when you login Gallery3.

This debug message is normal. If you switch off the rest api module, you can send queries to Gallery3.

Hi TA,

– can’t see all the config fields any more
– from the editor side no images show up (only blank skin and gallery boxes)

Can you host somewhere in Internet (imagehacks for instance) a screenshoot of what you see ?

I also realized that once the plugin is activated I’m not able anymore to modify my posts status from public to private or viceversa… Is it something that you saw also ?

It is due to the same problem.
I just pushed a patch ( v0.2.4.1) in order to resolve all the problems due to this incompatibility.

Can you tell me if it is better with this patch ?

Ok, I can now choose back if I want my post to be public or private, when I click the icone a new windows opens. I can see my gallery « album » name but thats it, I can’t see the pictures… any idea ?
When I do the « test settings » in the plugin options, I see a picture from my gallery test album…
Do you want an access to my blog (it stil empty) so that you can test it by yourself ?

Also, even if I don’t see the pictures while adding them to the post, once posted I can see then…

When using this plug-in, I have the newest WordPress (3.3) and I have the latest Version of Heiv wordpress plug-in for Gallery3 which is also the most recent up to date version. When I try to add images with the Heiv plug-in, I can see the directories, select the directory to pull images from, but the images all show as the broken link image and when they are added to the post or pages, they also show as a broken link.

Any idea on this, nothing shows in the error logs.

but the images all show as the broken link image and when they are added to the post or pages, they also show as a broken link.

In the edit mode, you should only see [hgallery3 …]…
On the blog, I don’t know why it is buggy … Can you give me a link of a post of your blog with this bug ?

[hgallery3 id= »395″ render= »smoothgallery »]

That is what it inserts into the posts, and the link to the page is which shows the broke image link, but the image is in the Gallery3 install. All images that show up in the gallery listings in the plug-in show the same broken link. I get errors in the Apache error log that look like this:

File does not exist: /home/necr0/public_html/girls/wp-content/images/admin-bar-sprite.png

This occurs when I try to view the image, and it opens the entire page again in the small gallery view page.

This looks to be an issue with the rest API system and the way it calls on information.

[parent] =>
[web_url] =>
[file_url] =>

I tried a different WordPress plug-in that met the same results with files showing as broken image links. I think I will find an alternative solution to my gallery and WordPress plug-in.


I love the plug-in. When I first set it up it looked great and it still seems to work fine from time to time, however the problem I’m having is that quite often the smoothgallery isn’t working and instead the page is loading a long list of images and thumbnails. I think a couple of people have mentioned this before me but I couldn’t see if any solution/explanation was arrived at. Can anyone help?



Hi, your G3 integration module seems great, have you considered to port it also to Drupal 7 ?

Ive currently installed the plugin on a test install of xampp with the most recent wp and gallery 3 versions. I keep getting an error Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _PEAR_call_destructors() (previously declared in C:\xampp\php\PEAR\PEAR.php:775) in C:\xampp\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\heiv-gallery-3\pear\PEAR.php on line 806. any thoughts on how to handle this


Hi Craig,

My plugin is ship with PEAR (it is a development framework) and your XAMPP installation is shipped with PEAR too.

So when you tryied your XAMPP installation and my plugin, there is this fatal error.

You can try to move the directory « C:\xampp\php\PEAR\ » to one anoter and retry.

I will see if there is a way to avoid this problem for the next version of my plugin.


is there any way to change the reference or call the the plugin dir so that it would reference the C:\xampp\php\PEAR directory. when I move the xampp’s pear dir nothing works. im sure theres a way to fix this just not sure where to start. I’ll keep digging though. Thank you ever so much

If you want to use email :

Have you set on the restful plugin on Gallery3’s configuration ?

Hi HeiV, I have a fresh install of WordPress 3.3.1 and Gallery 3.0.2. I’m just starting out with these so the sites are very plain, but I wanted to get the integration and stuff working before I started to skin them.

I have your plugin v0.2.5 installed, but nothing seems to work. I have allow_guest_access set to 1 but when I run ‘test settings’ I get: is OK.
Guest isn’t allowed to make RESTFul query on this gallery3 – -)

This is the end of tests.

I set up a user heivgallery3, even with it set as administrator when I save the password I get:

Error : Are you sure that the user with the username « heivgallery3 » can make restful query on ?
Check the username and the password please and retry this test.

In the configuration page I don’t have all of the options you mention in the configuration section of this post, as you can see here and when I click the G3 button in Add Post I get this dialog.

Am I doing something wrong?


Hello Dan,

It’s working, I am happy for you 🙂


Hi dear juanjiepan,

I am sorry, but I can’t understand your message.

Can you write in english please ?

Thx a lot.



Please check if /home/webpages/lima-city/pickade/html/BlogWordpress/wp-content/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/pear exist or install this libraries in you php’s share directory

Hi HeiV,
I have been a wpg2 user for a long time (6 years), but recently I was forced to take my gallery off line as my web-host deemed my 6000+ Gallery 2 and WordPress installation too resource hungry.

So, I am now rebuilding the website using WordPress and Gallery 3. It is a big task, as I need to update all the WordPress posts to use your plugin: replace all tags with new ones.

While your plugin is not a direct replacement for wpg2, it is good enough as a picture picker and I am glad you took time and effort to make it work.

Now, I have some suggestions/questions: Would you consider changing your mnemonic [hgallery3 …] to a tag ? This way if the plugin is de-activated (let’s say for maintenance) the WordPress would not display [hgallery3 …] text.

Code specifics:
define(‘NL’, »); <– you often do not include a space before end of tag

The u element is deprecated. Do not underline non-links!
b (style) tag is better expressed as strong (semantic meaning)

$ret .= NL . ERROR . $host . ‘ is not accessible. Stop testing here, check your configuration and fix it !’;

The password isn’t store on the WP database !

img src= »%s » needs to be img src= »%s » alt= »alt is not optional »
Perhaps populate the alt attribute from $root[$member_url]->entity->name. Ensure space before end of tag />

I am looking forward to next versions of this plugin. In meantime I have 6 years of posts to manually change.
Sadly I do not know PHP so I could help you evolve this plugin, but I can contribute with some hints like these above.

Thanks. Ted

Hi mario,

Did you check if the directory /home/webpages/lima-city/pickade/html/BlogWordpress/wp-content/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/pear exists ?


Hi Ted.

Now, I have some suggestions/questions: Would you consider changing your mnemonic [hgallery3 …] to a tag ? This way if the plugin is de-activated (let’s say for maintenance) the WordPress would not display [hgallery3 …] text.

No it is not possible.
The [hgallery3…] tag is a shortcode of WordPress.
The < and > are stripped when you use them in a post…
However, I could make a « dummy » feature in my plugin in order to handle maintenance times.

define(‘NL’,”); <– you often do not include a space before end of tag define('HR','’);

Yes, you’re right, I had included this space.

The element is deprecated. Do not underline non-links!

Yes, the u tag is replaced by span with a underline css style.

In meantime I have 6 years of posts to manually change.

It is a hard work for you…

Sadly I do not know PHP so I could help you evolve this plugin, but I can contribute with some hints like these above.

Any help is welcome.
All the ideas will be studied to be integrated to this plugin.

Hi Heiv, sorry to bother you. I am trying to use your Plugin Version wirh WordPress 3.3.2, but it doesn’t work. The plugin does not find the skins. When I use the « Test Skin » button, I get the message:
There is “0″ skin to configure. Click on the “Test skins” button for debugging
I also get this message, when testing settings or updating settings. I fact, I cannot save any settings.

Default render for album says « Option not available. Click on the « Test skins » button for debugging.  »
Render for single image says « Option not available. Click on the « Test skins » button for debugging. »

I installed the Plugin manually and automatically, with the same result. The skin folder is available.

How can I get your plugin to work?

Thanks for your help!

Why an I getting this message » is not accessible. Stop testing here, check your configuration and fix it ! »? I have tried both using my login credentials and using guest access with « allow_guest_access » set to 1 in gallery3. I host my own websites from home using free sub-domains. Is this in issue because it is not a registered FQDN?

Thank you.

I’ve had an issue getting the jcarousel and smoothgallery skins to work with a theme that doesn’t use jQuery. To fix the issue, I updated wp-content/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/skins/jcarousel/

function register_wp_js () {
wp_enqueue_script('heiv_gallery_3_render_jcarousel',plugin_dir_url(__FILE__).'jquery.jcarousel.min.js', array('jquery'));

This adds jQuery as a depenency and wordpress loads it prior to the jcarousel javascript.


I’m using Gallery3 Version: 3.0.4 (Ricochet) and WP 3.4.2.

When I activate the heiv gallery 3 plugin, i get this error in the webpage.

Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /home/timothyy/public_html/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2722

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at xxxxx/wp-includes/functions.php:2722) inxxxx/wp-includes/option.php on line 563

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at xxxx/wp-includes/functions.php:2722) in xxxx/wp-includes/option.php on line 564

Any Ideas?

Hi Tim,

Sorry, my plugin is not yet compatible with the last version of WordPress.

I will fix it soon.

Hi Tim,

I upgraded my wordpress installation for my development with 3.4 and 3.4.2.
Then I installed my plugin without the warning messages you gave me.

So I don’t know where is your bug…

Hi Heiv, thank you for the great work with this plugin!!!!

I am rebuilding my site after many years of using the old Gallery2 and WPG2, and using Gallery3, the latest wordpress, and your plugin.

I have succeeded integrating the plugin and it works fine. There is only one extra feature that I think is missing – it has to do with the render and might be easey.

single_img render : I use this one a lot to add pictures from the gallery in my posts. The feature that is missing is a flag in the configuration to activate a « Direct link to picture/gallery », same as the « smoothgallery » render already has. This seems to be simple and good be awesome to have, for feature-parity with the old WPG2 that could do this.

If you give me a pointer to the relevant code section I might be able to just patch this up myself 🙂

Thanks a lot!

Hi Ariel,

Thank you for your support.

I will add your feature for the single_img renderer ; however, clicking on the thumbnails will replace the use of thickbox.


Thanks for this!
That was awesome, I just noticed the update notice for the plugin, updated it, and it just worked fine!!

It makes sense that using this feature prevents the use of Thickbox.

Thickbox is really cool, but the fact that it inserts a thumbnail (of arbitrary size) was a deal-breaker for my site design.
Is there a way to use thickbox on a regularly sized image (I use 650px wide as a limit), instead of forcing a thumbnail?

(additionally, I believe that the thickbox output is already linked to the gallery page (i.e. if you click on the enlarged photo) which is cool).

Thanks again!

Dear Heiv, may I ask you for some help ? I’ve installed your plugin in my WP 3.8 site, it basically seems to work – however: I do not see the pictures being displayed. There are roughly 800 pictures in my gallery3 installation right now, it seems to be possible to read their listing out through your plugin but not the actual picture content, so I see the picture block for the album as well as the picture itself, but the picture is not shown…
If I configure the plugin, the window to select the album / pictures and the display mode comes up as expected, it also shows the albums, however it doesn’t show any pictures on the lower right box… I have no clue – may I ask you for your help – and for sure willing to give a donation to support your good work.
Thank you in advance, Oliver

Hi Oliver,

I just try my plugin on my production website and it is working good for me.

I think you are trying to display pictures with this plugin from private albums or pictures, gallery’s guest (like WordPress with Heiv-Galleryy-3) can’t « see » the pictures but can retrieve the metadata from Gallery3.

Did you set « Yes » for the « Proxing mode » on the settings of this plugin ?


Hello Heiv , I have had good success using the Gallery 3 plugin but recently the plugin began throwing the error Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /root/Web-Server/htdocs2/wp2/wp-content/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/heiv-gallery_3.php on line 1176.
I fixed it by inserting just before line 1176 : $info[url] = new Stdclass;
this seems to fix the error. Just letting you know. Please keep up the good work! Thank you.


Thanks for this report, I will add your suggestion in the source code.


Love your plugin.

However, after installing / activating and enabling smoothgallery, I can’t seem to cycle between photos with the arrows (clicking the arrows does nothing), and pulling down the carousel works…however I can’t select an image…clicking an image from the carousel does nothing.

Hoping you may have an idea – many thanks!

Hi Heiv,

after updating to WP 3.9 and to the latest versions of your plugin and TinyMCE (whether it can have effect, I don’t know), I am seeing the following:

1) I no longer can create queries. I can open the picture selection window, I can select individual photos (the pink background is displayed) but I cannot add the pictures to the list (double click does not work and the « + »-button is never displayed. Manually generating/editing the query in the page source leads to correct display of the picture on the page.

2) dir_table seems to work properly only when the default display mode is set to « dir » in the plugin settings. Then, a table with 2 columns is generated. If I set the default « skin » to something else, then only a single column gets generated.

Would you have any idea why this is happenning?



Yes, there is a bug in the version and I pushed the version in order to destroy this bug.

Tell me if you find other bugs.


hi heiv,

thanks for the quick fix – the « + » button is back.

the other problems remain, though. after some playing, i could refine it a bit. in all cases, i have the same tag (display 3 photos using the dir_table renderer) in a normal post.

when default renderer for *single image* is set to « single_img » then the display of the dir_table is not correct.

when i set the default renderer for *single image* to « dir », then everything is working as it should.

i’ve made 2 screenshots – see my post on href= »

i addition, there are 2 things:

1) is the behaviour of the smoothgallery renderer correct? it’s located below the two screenshots. am i missing any additional plugin?

2) is it possible to change the jcarousel so, that it respects the aspect ratio of the photos (either by displaying the pictures correctly or cropping them)? the quadratic distortion is not nice. this is the last thing on the page.

Thx Lubos.

It is the first time I see test this set up – dir_table for « rendering album » and dir for the « rendering pictures » – I will investage why it isn’t look normal.

For 1) (smoothgallery), you can fix the problem quickly, go to the configuration of the plugin, tab smoothgallery, and then set the « delay for timed carousel ».

For 2) I am sorry, I am working (for a long time) at a fix for this problem and this problem is ship in the next major version of the plugin.

Thx for your report.

hi heiv,


setting the delay for timed carousel indeed works (the height has to be specified as well otherwise nothing gets displayed). when i set timed carousel to « no », then even the arrows work; with timed carousel to « yes », they have no effect when short delays have been specified (i suggest changing the delay to seconds instead of miliseconds). with 5s delay, the arrows work as a charm.

the setting with the dir_table/dir settings were more or less a random finding. i’ve changed some settings and at that time, many things magically started to work…

thanks for your quick replies!


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