I released some bug fixes with a new patch of the heiv-gallery-3 plugin :
- if album has only 1 picture, the rendering doesn’t show the cover
- Skins dir_table :
- fix some propertys of css
- plural of label « item » is ok now
- The inclusion of librarys was bugged and produced error in trace log
- Use of the HTTP_Request2 in the Test Settings function
If you see a bug, let me a comment on this news.
Update of 0:56 AM.
15 réponses sur « version 0.3.2 & 0.3.3 for bug fixes »
Hmm i think is a problem from my hosting/wordpress/gallery3 but if i try to test the settings the screen remains blank. And if i press « update settings » i get the error: Error: Curl error: socket error: 111
This means something like its it’s not able to retreive the file from the remote side. Do you think this is an wordpress or gallery3 issue?
I don’t know where the bug is located…
I want to help you. Is it possible for you to install a new wordpress in an other directory on your hosting directory and give to me the admin login ?
I will then install my plugin from WordPress, plug it on my gallery3 test and I will try to find what is going wrong.
If you are ok, send me an email with an url/user/password.
Thanks a lot,
i’ve send you the information
Latest WP hosted on subdomain, Gallery3 hosted on the same shared hosting account at http://www.velickovic.net – plugin worked fine with last version in 0.2.5.x branch but this is wha I get after upgrade to 0.3.2 :
Warning: include_once(HTTP/Request2.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/vbraca/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/heiv-gallery_3.php on line 43
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening 'HTTP/Request2.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/vbraca/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/heiv-gallery_3.php on line 43
On settings page I can see added cacha clear/size option but also following error:
Warning: fclose() [function.fclose]: 225 is not a valid stream resource in /home/vbraca/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/heiv-gallery_3.php on line 720
When trying to Test/Update settings:
Fatal error: Class 'HTTP_Request' not found in /home/vbraca/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/heiv-gallery-3/heiv-gallery_3.php on line 1012
Besides, I use sr_RS language and UTF-8 collation which is totally screwed with 0.3.2 so I had to disable it for the moment. Nothing urgent – I’ve installed it few days ago and still have no posts linked to my Gallery3 🙂
I will take a look tomorrow… It is time for me to sleep.
I will give you informations by email.
Hi velickovic (is it your login ?),
The branch 0.3.x is bugged, I have introduced a new library (Request2) instead of Request and there were some sync problem between my SVN and the WordPress’ SVN.
With this sync problems, I forgot to fix some functions with this new library.
I hope with the last version 0.3.3 all will be fine now.
Can you tell me more about this ?
Do you use a/some plugin/s for this ? If yes, can you give me the name/s of this plugin/s ?
Hi HeiV,
seem like with version everythings back to normal … works like a charm and much faster if I may notice 😉
Regarding WP language – there is a official WP distirbution available for sr_RS (Serbian) language which I use … my guess is that missing Request2 library caused language specific include files not to be processed.
Regards and keep on with good work,
Bratislav Veličković
Hi Bratislav,
Thx for this information for the… I am sorry for all the introduced bugs due to the 0.3.x branch (there was a major change of library).
Ok for the serbian languages.
If this patch fixes a lot of bugs, and if no new bugs will be found, I could spend more time in producing new features.
Hi! trying out your wp plugin .. i was able to configure it and clicked the » test settings » and everything seems to be ok but when i go try to make a post i only could get to the popup menu but i don’t see anything on the boxes..
am i missing something?
Hi rafiks,
Did you check « on » the proxying mode and try again the picker ?
Hi there!
I have just installed the plugin heiv Gallery 3 Version on my WordPress 3.4.1 hosted by Godaddy. I did not got an error message, however I do not see a « settings » button on the WordPress plugins page for heiv Gallery 3 ; I only see the options « Deactivate | Edit » for heiv Gallery 3.
FYI.. My site is hosted by godaddy.com. I am not sure if PHP Json are PHP fopen enabled.
Any suggestions?
Hi Michael,
The settings of my plugin are in the Settings section.
Thanks a lot for your message, for the next release, I will :
For the PHP fopen… if your provider don’t let you to use it, I can’t help you. Perhaps fopen is available for connexion on the same host (« localhost »).
OK. I think i am getting closer. But I am getting stuck on configuring the « User for querying Gallery 3 Restful ». In Gallery, I created a new user in the Registered Users group. In WordPress Gallery 3 Configuration, I used that user name for the « User for querying Gallery 3 Restful » and the password for the « Password for querying Gallery3 Restful ». When I click Test Settings button, I get the following:
Error : Are you sure that the user with the username « admin » can make restful query on http://costaricaapiaries.com/gallery/index.php ?
Check the username and the password please and retry this test.
Is there another step I am missing to configure the user to query the API.Rest?
Hi Michael,
Did you enable the REST API Module in the configuration of Gallery3 ?
See Q4 on this page.
Yes, I have enabled the REST API Module and I have changed the “allow_guest_access” parameter of the “rest” module from “0″ to “1″